Timberdate – Dein Date mit Holz

Die Veranstaltungsplattform rund ums Holz

5th Forum Wood Building Baltic (WBB)

5th Forum Wood Building Baltic (WBB)

Forum Wood Building Baltic is the main conference for architecture and engineering topics of wooden buildings: design for manufacturing and assembly, building physics, energy performance, fire safety etc. in the countries around Baltic Sea. The conference  is a part of the international organization Forum Holzbau. The overarching theme of Forum Wood Building Baltic 2024 is integrated design where different disciplines come together with their own possibilities and limitations to cooperate and push the boundaries of innovation in timber construction.

Scope of the conference:

— Regenerative and circular architecture
— (Prefabricated) timber-based renovation solutions
— Process innovation in design and construction of wooden buildings
— Timber structures (Eurocode 5)
— Fire safety in timber buildings
— Building physics of timber structures
— Zero emission wooden buildings (LCC, LCA)


Day 1 Monday, February 26th

Excursion day

Visit to important examples of timber architecture as well as Estonian woodhouse producers


13:00 – Departure from Culture Hub
14:00 – Timbeco production visit (including an overview of the peculiarities and possibilities of the production of modules and elements)
15:00 – Vaela modular kindergarten visit (an object under construction, where the last exterior/interior works are still in progress)
16:00 – Kuuma 4 apartment building visit at Saue (an already renovated apartment building, an example of a „circular“ renovation solution)
18:00 – Arrival at the Culture Hub


13:00 – Departure from Culture Hub
13:15 – Permanent exhibition “SPACE IN MOTION: A Century of Estonian Architecture” vist at the Estonian Museum of Architecture
15:00 – Pelgulinna state gymnasium / Arhitekt Must
16:30 – Municipal Building in Saue / Molumba architecture office
17:30 – Elektrilevi educational building in Kiili / senior researcher Renee Puusepp (EKA), Estnor
18:00 – Arrival at the Culture Hub


Day 2 Tuesday, February 27th


08:30 — 09:00  Conference opening

Tea & coffee
Opening of the Exhibition


09:00 — 10:30 Keynote session
@ Cauldron Hall

Opening Words for the FORUM HOLZBAU
Hugo Karre, Member of the board FORUM HOLZBAU, Lurnfeld (Austria)

Role of New European Bauhaus in transformation of timber architecture for sustainable future
Anna Sandak, InnoRenew CoE & University of Primorska (Slovenia)

Future challenges for timber structures
Andrea Frangi, ETH ZĂĽrich (Switzerland)


10:30 — 11:00 Tea & coffee break Exhibition


11:00 — 12:30 Parallel sessions

Eurocode 5 – 2nd generation
@ Small Hall

Design of cross-laminated timber
Philipp Dietsch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)

Design for serviceability limit state
Tomi Toratti, Federation of the Finnish Woodworking Industries (Finland)

Execution standard
Andrew Lawrence, ARUP (UK)


Design for manufacture and assembly
@ Woodblock Hall

The future of timber construction facing the challenges of Industry 4.0
Dr. h.c. Heinz Köster, President of the Technical University of Applied Sciences of Rosenheim and President of FORUM HOLZBAU (Germany

Platform-DfMA timber designs for Resi and Office concept buildings
Sebastian Alejandro Hernandez Maetschl, Stora Enso (Germany)

ELEMENTerial – exploring architectural potential of CLT fabrication residues
Siim Tuksam, Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia)


12:30 — 13:30 Lunch & exhibition


13:30 — 15:00 Parallel sessions

Timber-based renovation solutions
@ Small Hall

Circular renovation of an apartment building with prefabricated insulation elements
Eero Nigumann, Timbeco Woodhouse OĂś (Estonia)

Development of prefabricated insulation element for renovation of high-rise apartment buildings
Peep Pihelo, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)

Case studies of moisture safety implementations on timber structures
Eneli Liisma, Merko Ehitus Eesti AS (Estonia)


Eurocode 5 – 2nd generation
@ Woodblock Hall

Design of connections
Robert Jockwer, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)

Design of timber bridges
Matthias Gerold, Harrer Ingenieure GmbH (Germany)

Fire design
Alar Just, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)


15:00 — 15:20 Parallel sessions

Short presentations
@ Small Hall

Commissioning the Design and Construction of Prefabricated Renovation
Alari JĂĽrgenson, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)

Misused timber in renovation
Ăśllar Alev, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)

Moisture safety strategies for roof renovation with prefabricated additional insulation elements
Georg-Mihkel Kodi, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)

A novel approach to quantify crack formation in CLT.
Kristo Kalbe, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)


Short presentations
@ Woodblock Hall

Bending and vibration behaviour of CLT-steel composite beams
Noah Böhm, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (Germany)

Airtightness and moisture behaviour of joints and VOC concentrations in wood and hybrid structures
Anti Rohumaa, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

An Analysis of Wooden Traditional House in Nepal
Bharat Raj Pahari, Institute of Engineering/TU (Nepal)

Timber Reciprocal Frame Structures
Kertu Johanna Jõeste, Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia)


15:20 — 16:00 Tea & coffee break
Poster discussion


16:00 — 18:00 Parallel sessions

Regenerative and circular architecture
@ Small Hall

An open source circular modular construction system
Renee Puusepp, Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia)

Long-term carbon sequestration and reduction by circular design with wood
Harald Schwarzschachner, Stora Enso (Germany)

Prefab light clay-timber elements for net zero whole life carbon buildings
Juha Päätalo, Päätalo Architects Ltd (Finland)

Fabrication reconsidered: Root chair; robotic milling technology
Hugo Fekar, Academy of Arts (Czech Republic)


Life-Cycle-Costing in wood construction
@ Woodblock Hall

Modelling the decay risk of exterior wood from detailed 3D geometries
Jonas Niklewski, Lund University (Sweden)

Bioinspired living coating system for regenerative and circular architecture
Anna Sandak, InnoRenew CoE (Slovenia)

Tool development for LCC of wooden building envelope
Roja Modaresi, Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology (Norway)

Design, and Construction on the Service Life and Appearance of a Wooden Building
Villu Kukk, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)


19:00 Conference dinner

Gala Dinner
@ Cauldron Hall, Culture Hub

Estonian Woodhouse Association will give out awards for individuals or organisations that have contributed to the development of the sector.

Person of the Year 2023
Friend of Wooden Houses 2023
Influencer of Estonian Wooden Architecture 2023


Day 2 Tuesday, February 27th


09:00 — 09:30 Registration
Tea & coffee


09:30 — 11:00 Parallel sessions

Moisture safety
@ Small Hall

Moisture sorption properties of Laminated Veneer Lumber
Lars Gullbrekken, SINTEF (Norway)

The future of wooden structures in combination with bio-based insulation
Anke Blommaert (Belgium), Ghent University

The effect of controlled roof ventilation on the moisture safety of roofs
Timber Structures
Klaus Viljanen (Finland), Aalto University


Timber Structures
@ Woodblock Hall

Reconnect Ukraine – research project on timber connections
Andrii Bidakov, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Assessment of strength and stiffness properties of aged structural timber
Maarja Kauniste, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)

Onsite application of end-grain bonded timber under low curing temperatures
Dio Lins, Bern University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland)


11:00 — 11:30 Tea & coffee break Exhibition


11:30 — 13:00 Parallel sessions

Process innovation
@ Small Hall

Planning sustainability for timber construction projects using the example of the Student residential quarter “Campus RO”
Lore Köster, Campus RO, Rosenheim (Germany)

Multi-criteria decision process for selection of biobased facade materials
Veronika Kotradyová, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovak Republic)

SOFTacademy – development of pre-fabricated renovation to turn a district into a cosy living environment
Mariliis Niinemägi, Tallinn City, Strategic Management Office (Estonia)


Historic wooden buildings
@ Woodblock Hall

Technical state, renovation need, and performance
Alois Andreas Põdra, Estonian Open Air Museum (Estonia)

Renovating heritage buildings
Kadri-Ann Kertsmik, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)

Assessment of the Potential of Reconstruction of Historic Buildings
Helena Rummo, Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia)


13:00 — 14:00 Lunch & exhibition


14:00 — 15:30 Keynote session
@ Small Hall

Designing material genealogies: the case of wood
Aris Kafantaris, Kengo Kuma and Associates, Chief Project Manager (Japan)

Benefits and challenges of digitalisation the renovation process
Ergo Pikas, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)

Automated design and distributed factory based timber housing
Gilles Retsin, Automated Architecture AUAR (UK)


15:30 — 16:00 Closing session

Hugo Karre, Forum Holzbau
Antra ViÄĽuma, Riga Technical University


Further information and registration at: Link

5th Forum Wood Building Baltic (WBB)

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